Kyrin Hall PhD

Nutritionist, orthomoleculair arts

Informatie over voedingsdeskundige Kyrin Hall (in het Engels):

Kyrin legt onder andere uit voor welke klachten je bij haar terecht kunt en hoe voeding je mentale en lichamelijk gezondheid kan beïnvloeden.

De onderstaande tekst kan vertaald worden via Google translate.

Our Nutrition programmes promote whole foods and other dietary measures as medicine for healing. We aim to treat the underlying contributing factors that lead to poor health.

Using comprehensive lab testing, physical assessments and health consultations we examine how your nutritional status, symptoms, genetics, lifestyle choices and environment affect your health.

Some issues that Nutrition can address: 

  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Digestive issue
  • Fertility concerns
  • Increasing your energy levels
  • Female hormonal issue
  • Stress / burn-out
  • Skin health
  • Children’s health
  • Healthy food preparation & shopping


How we work:

  • You complete a health questionnaire to provide us with some background health information – as well as your current health concern (this will take approximately 20 mins).
  • We schedule an appointment.
  • We work in tandem with other health practitioners (and will refer you if necessary): personal trainers, yoga experts, children developmental specialist, diagnostic laboratories, psychologist, and massage therapist among others.

Nutrition consultations fall under health insurance (it’s fully/partially covered, depending on your personal health insurance plan).

As a client of Jeannette Bolck, you receive 10% discount off nutrition consults.
